Jumat, 28 September 2012

Memberi Harapan

Waktu sudah muak melihat kita terus bermain perasaan tanpa balasan. Dia tertawa renyah sesekali garing, melihat kita berdua menghabiskan waktu bersama dalam berbagai kesempatan namun tanpa sebuah kejelasan antara aku dan kamu.

Berjalan saja, aku yang selalu menanti senyummu pada setiap pertemuan kita, dan kau yang selalu berlari kecil mengikuti irama detak jantungmu yang kian menghentak saat aku telah berada tepat didepanmu. Pertemuan singkat menjadi kamuflase indah dalam sebuah kenangan yang terus terukir dan diingat, dalam skala sedih dan sesal karena ini menjadi sebuah permainan yang terus berlanjut.

Melihatmu, dan kau pun begitu. Mata ini tidak bisa berbohong seperti yang sering mereka katakan tentang hati yang berbicara melalui sinar mata, begitulah mungkin dengan mataku, dan sepertinya tidak salah jika aku juga melihatnya dari matamu. Binar-binar halus penuh bintang yang seharusnya bisa mengisi malam namun datang di siang hari dan mengajakku bermain disana. Matamu surga rasa bagiku.

Kau ingat bagaimana hujan membantu kita untuk saling mendekat, hujan yang turun sendu di pertemuan malam itu, pertemuan yang seharusnya bukan kita rencanakan tapi mereka dan alam menunjukkan kemampuannya. Berada dekat dipunggungku, hangat menjalar di tengah dingin malam pada tubuh penuh getaran ini, yang mungkin tersamarkan oleh gigil dingin cuaca malam itu. Sepertinya aku mendengar degup itu lagi, degup yang tidak normal dengan ritme cepat, dan itu berasal tepat di belakang punggungku.

Never thought it’ll be this way
and I know I’d never be the same
yeah I know life goes on
but still I’m tryna figure it out
being without you baby
you know it’s killing me to say
I’ll never see your face again or living without you
Girl how am I suppose to lose you baby

Menunjukkan rasa degan gamblang didepan parasmu membuat nyaliku ciut digondol binatang atau serangga. Semuanya hilang begitu saja, hilang dan meninggalkan semu panik penuh kecelakaan fisik berikutnya. Keberanianku memakan hubungan yang tak terucap ini.

Ketakutan sepertinya masih menyelimuti hati ini, hati yang dulu pernah tersayat dengan ketakutanku juga, hati yang mulai terbiasa dengan kesendirian, hati yang belum menemukan kepercayaan diri untuk terbang dan merengkuh bintang dalam balutan awan. Bisakah.

Alasan ku menjadi harapan sepertinya. Tanpa ku sadari kau telah tersakiti untuk ini semua, untuk semua pemberitahuan yang tidak berupa lisan dan tulisan. Begitupun aku, yang menahan aib hati hingga mungkin ....

Semua akan berakhir bahagia atau hanya meninggalkan nestapa menggila.

Rainy days rainy days 
now that you’ve gone far away
my raindrops pouring down my eyes
you know I’ll never be okay
goes fade away fade away
don’t you know I’m missing you
here it slowly falls again
every day and night
as I open my eyes

credit title :
Bramadita A. P.
Song by One Way - Rainy Days (english version)

Bagi mereka yang terus memberi untuk menyakiti, beranilah untuk tidak takut ...

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

4-2-0 (Distance)

4 Tahun secukupnya ...

Kita sudah terpisah jarak selama itu. Selama itu, aku merindukanmu dalam setiap spasi panjang setelah pertemuan kita sebelumnya. Selalu berkesan, saat kita bertemu di belakang seluruh penghuni silsilah keluarga dalam terbit hingga fajarnya, karena kau tahu setelah pemilik panas permukaan bumi pergi menjauh dari garis lintang ini, aku harus kau relakan pergi, begitu juga bayanganku.

Kau mendekapku erat, berulang kali ku tepis prasangka untuk menyamakanmu dengan seekor ular yang sedang melilit sebatang ranting keropos dengan begitu lihat dan mengikat. Aku menyukaimu lebih dari aku menyukai diriku dalam perih sebuah rasa. Seharusnya kau lebih mengetahuinya. Percayalah, aku menjaga perasaan yang kau titipkan itu yang kau katakan dengan lantang di depan penghulu alam saat senja mulai diselimuti lautan biru yang sedikit kelam.

Semua pinta dalam jeritan nafasmu ku turuti benar, walau sebagian terdengar lebih seperti rengekan balita yang belum menemukan asi yang legit untuk tidur nyenyaknya. Jika prototipe berupa kamera ukuran mikro bisa masuk ke dalam retina dan menyambungkannya padamu disana, mungkin aku orang pertama yang memasangnya dengan sertifikasi cinta darimu. Tahukah kau, bagaimana aku membawa plakat namamu dalam jidatku setiap harinya, hanya untuk sekedar menunjukkannya kepada setiap lelaki yang mulai ku alpakan bentuknya selain dirimu. (ah)

Apakah ini permainan. Jika ingin berhenti terserah kapan walau itu masih di tengah permainan, dan jika ingin kembali main tinggal memulainya kembali. Aku hampir bosan atau mungkin sudah.

Bayangkan saja sebuah bangku berpoles emas di bagian kerangkanya dan dudukan dengan suede kulit sapi balita berwarna merah kelam bermotif abstrak dipatri menggunakan benang sutra bertengger dengan mewahnya. Tahta itu punyamu, berdiri tegar dalam ruang sebuah hati yang mulai mempertanyakan cintanya.

Aku menunggumu mempercayai ikrarmu.

Kau seperti obat yang menyembuhkan sakitku sekaligus memberikan indikasi efek samping lain pada sembuhku.

Ini sudah 4 tahun secukupnya, cukupkah drama ini?

There's only so many songs that I can sing 
To pass the time
And I'm running out of things to do 
To get you off my mind
All I have is this picture in a frame 
That I hold close to see your face everyday

With you is where I'd rather be
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard, you're so far
This long distance is killing me

It's so hard, It's so hard 
Where we are, where we are 
You're so far 
This long distance is killing me 
It's so hard it's so hard 
Where we are, where we are 
You're so far 
This long distance is killing me


2 tahun tak terkira

Matahari tak menyediakan waktu sebanyak yang kami mau, mungkin aku lebih tepatnya. Weker dari seluruh penunjuk waktu selalu berteriak riuh saat hangat mulai terasa, tepat disini, di organ yang mereka namai hati. Kau?

Dua desa yang terpisah sungai dengan arus yang cukup deras tidak bisa saling bercengkrama karena jembatan yang tidak memungkinkan untuk dilewati hanya dua utas tali yang melintang disana.

Keegoisan hati untuk sebuah rindu yang cukup lama bisa luluh lantak begitu saja hanya karena dua indera yang sedang bekerja. Mataku bisa berbicara banyak dibandingkan mulut untuk mengucapkan seribu kata rindu hanya dengan melihatmu. Telingaku bisa berteriak kencang dibandingkan mulut untuk berkata satu kata rindu hanya dengan mendengarmu bicara. Mulutku tak berarti apa-apa dibandingkan keduanya. Kau?

Jika tidak dia yang melintasi utas tali itu untuk bertemunya di desa seberang, maka dia yang akan melakukan itu untuk bertemunya di ujung tali yang lainnya. Binar air sungai selalu bersorak dalam riak saat melihat dia atau dia menyusuri utas tali untuk bertemu.

Senyummu yang selalu ingin ku lihat dalam nyata dan igauan mimpi. Senyum itu pula yang menghantarkanku jatuh tepat di bibir jurang bernama. Senyum yang berhalusinasi timbul kala berat pikul tak seperti biasanya. Kau?

Desa itu akan bermufakat untuk saling bertemu akrab, merampungkan jembatan yang mereka idamkan guna penduduknya. Dan sebagai pengingat, tentang kisah dua sejoli yang hanyut saat hasrat ingin bertemu terbentur putus utas tali penyambung rasa.

Aku diam merindukanmu. Kau?

There's only so many songs that I can sing
To pass the time


0 (masih)

Percuma, karena aku sudah letih. Menunggumu tanpa diketahui. Mengharapkan tanpa dihiraukan. Menginginkan tanpa disadari. Menyukai tanpa sebuah awalan di- yang datang dari mulutmu. Karena aku melalukannya dalam diam dan kau terlalu pongah untuk melihat itu semua.

Sudah beberapa ijazah kesabaran yang aku terima untuk sikap ini.

Dan aku memutuskan untuk menyerah. Menyerah untuk mencari giat. Menyerah untuk taraf letih yang ini. Menyerah untuk kembali hanya menunggu. Menyerah untuk kembali pasrah pada sikap pesimis akan sebuah kepingan pelengkap.

Kau tidak tahu. Aku tidak memberitahumu.

Seperti pungguk merindukan bulan. Bagaimana kalau bulan juga merindukan pungguk yang melihatnya terus dari bawah sana. Bagaimana jika bulan juga kehilangan pungguk yang setia menemaninya ditengah kesepian malam. Seperti bulan merindukan pungguk.

Aku membenahinya sendiri. Dan itu masih.
Jarak darimu belum bermula.
Masih (0)

I wish that you were here with me 
(You were here with me) 
But we're stuck where we are (Oh) 
It's so hard (Oh) 
You're so far (Oh)

Can you hear me crying? 
(Ooohhh... ooohhhh...) 
Can you hear me crying? 
(Ooohhh... ooohhhh...) 
Can you hear me crying? 
(Ooohhh... ooohhhh...)

With you is where I'd rather be 
(Where I'd rather be) 
But we're stuck where we are (Oh) 
And it's so hard (Oh) 
You're so far (Oh) 
This long distance is killing me

credit title :
Bramadita A.P.
Song by Bruno Mars – Long Distance

Rabu, 19 September 2012

Korea TO DO

Korea TO DO
Korea Tourism Organization have a program to trip The Korea Country. I’m so happy to follow this event from KTO via Korean Air Southeast Asia.

Not much I can tell you about my wishes to stay at a while in Korea, other than my desire to go and enjoy the day and breathe the clean air on Korean, and catch a capture on my digital camera. As a result connoisseurs of photography and beautiful scenery wherever I am, Korea is a country with many beautiful places I have always admired his existence. With many cultures heavily guarded beauty and always keep the traditions of antiquity.

My interest in this country is revealed over time the website (ibuzzkorea) and (Asian On Air Program) is holding a contest to be able to visit the country within five days, and it is very encouraging news for all those who yearn to set foot in the country.

Korean Modernity, Culture, Nature, and Art Entertainment

Three options are given theme here: Things I want to DO, SEE, or HEAR in Korea. Absoutely I chosed to DO, if my desire is only for viewing or listening, oh God, you just only seeing or hearing them on their websites, youtubes, or whatever option that they're gave. I chosed to DO something THERE, espesially in Korea, Seoul.

Not much I can Narrate about what I would do there, but for sure, it all will be a greatest fun for me and anyone that follow these trip.

First time that must be i hear there is national Korean language on Hangul words. It would be nice to know how they used the language in the other spatial than usual. Hopefully, I can learn it and practice it a little straight in Korea. AnyeongHaseyeo.

Korea became famous with his artistic events that attract a lot of people in the world, including Indonesia. With so many various lines in the field of arts like drama (dorama), music (vocal groups), and style. Korea also offers a variety of interesting places to visit with a wide variety of historical value, as well as a variety of cosmetics products commonly found and used by the celebrity world, as well as the original food favored by those who started in the world of culinary connoisseurs.

I want to pass a wide range of road and park there, just to perpetuate life in a beautiful picture that will stay in memory later. Korea storing various forms of beauty in the landscape city owned, and it makes a lot of people interested to just sit out in the garden and breathe off. As I was enjoying how town planning can be designed very well if you have a cleared concept. Walking along the Cheonggyecheon river which was very popular with the place is clean and full of art activities will remind me with a variety of atmosphere in my life. dim the lights at night reflected on the riverside will evoke a romantic atmosphere for anyone going through there.

Take a trip in the evening by watching the people nightlife that they have it so made me tremble by just thinking about it. How do they spend time with a lot of walk or take a public transportation than driving a private vehicle it really will give a very different atmosphere compared my own country. The Korea government is very attentive to people and of course there are environmental issues that are owned by public facilities are concerned the conditions and lifestyle of Koreans who enjoys walking over to make it all goes well.

Enjoy cafe or coffeeshop in there, may be a small thing for them or others, but for me there I could enjoy how people interact among themselves and I can learn a lot from their lives. Ranging from how to apply interpersonal respect, habit they always do, and my attraction to the style that they use in the country. It also is because many celebrities are already eyeing the Korean fashion style as their style of everyday or show in their country. See Seoul National University or other Universities there, would be so amazing to me, just by imagining it has fascinated me, let alone get to see firsthand how the campus life there.

Just walk in between the trees that lined the meeting in a city park with an occasional glance at those who crossed it would be very nice indeed, especially when the fall arrives and the leaves changing colors and falling on the road that I passed, it would definitely be moment I can not forget for the rest of my life.

Korea is becoming a tourist destination and business people all over the world, so the income they have increased dramatically in recent years. Entertainment is one of the biggest contributors to the economic output of the country and the government strongly supports all forms of artistic activity that is held there. There are some Korean vocal group that I like such as Big Bang, 2ne1, Beast, Shinee and some local musicians and bands that have a good voice and the lyrics are great for telling some story on my life. Hopefully, I could see where they were educated to be well-known as it is today.

Samsung is one of the leading companies in the world, and held in Korea. For lovers of gadgets (though not yet afford it) I had a great desire to come to the place where all the magic began gadget. And see firsthand how they work and the gadget makers create new products. (Hopefully can get the free). Just beacuse i am not use the samsung gadget, does not mean i don’t want that gadget, all it’s about my money that’s not enough.

See a lot of variety beautiful buildings which exist in Korea will surely make the eyes is not cease to be open, and that was very definitely wanted me to do. Seoul Tower which started filming famous as it is used in several scenes in the Korean drama, making it a target for foreign and local tourists, with very good lighting at night makes it a very romantic place for visitors. And so, the Banpol bridge that serves attractive scenery with a fountain on the side of the bridge and the magnificent lights at night as if it was a awesome dancing bridge with raibow lights and sceneries. Oh God, I hope I can see it and use the incident as a pivotal moment in my brain memory. Do not forget to take a lock on the tower pocket, I would expect a lot of love and a memory of this place until later hopefully get back to this place.

Visited various famous market in Korea and shopping centers are popular among local and foreign tourists will be I need there, once again noticed people of korea in living day-to-day activities would be fun for me. When will I have a budget that is more to do shopping activity just to share the Korean souvenirs for relatives and friends, I would do it for sure.

Food and drink tasting unique and authentic Korean specialties will definitely be something new in my life, Kimchi or Makgeoli example and roadside snacks always in drama-korean that I often watch, yes even though I do not really like the food that was not usually in my mouth, but I will definitely try a little, because once again it will be a once in a lifetime experience of mine. Maybe it is different with familiar dishes such as cake, coffee and tea that I would definitely be happy for i try to eat them.

And certainly I'd love to visit, as I mentioned earlier is a place where tradition or culture of a country's wealth came from, like a palace owned by Korea, one of which is Gyeokbokgung Palace. Once again korean drama succeded me or many other people fascinated by the beauty of this palace owned. The composition of the rock where we walked in the palace, the composition of the wood used in the manufacture of the palace itself, and the bright red color that has always been my favorite color for a magnificent impression caused. It's so awesome palace there. I dream to touch the bottom of the stairs of the palace.

Heyri Art Village keeps me thinking that someday I could go to the village. Again, it's cause art that the village show up to the public. So many greats building there with a greats architec too. The buildings were like had a story behind the workmanship and sculptures in the garden wild village will be enough to impress me to quickly take pictures and immortalize the memory and each capture in my digital camera.

There are very few places like in some drama that aired in Indonesia, but then again I do not really know the names of these places, besides the names are difficult to keep in mind as well as the memory of my brain that is sometimes difficult to remember. There are places where a coffeshop is above the mountains are not very high, and I think it would be wonderful if I sit in one of the tents there is coffeshop terrace looking green mountains there and enjoy a cup of hot tea and a few pieces of chocolate cake that coffeshop maked.

To be sure here, it would be nice if the trip is not only done alone, with friends from different countries will definitely add a fun and festive atmosphere there. Exchange of information and mutual photographed place to go, it would be a wonderful beginning for a friendship, and memories for a farewell.

Hopely, some of my story above can be achieved by following this contest.

Hopefully, I can enjoy the beauty of Korea with my sense of touch.